Créer un planning book

  • – RSA1 – Créer les key figures dans un catalogue d’info objects
  • RSA1 – Créer les charactéristiques et attributs
  • – /SAPAPO/MSDP_ADMIN – Créer la Planning object structure regroupant charactéristiques et attributs
  • /SAPAPO/MSDP_ADMIN – Créer (ou copier) la planning area en référence à la POS, et lui attribuer les Key figures
  • /SAPAPO/SDP94 – Créer un planning book/dataview affichant les key figures
  • /SAPAPO/TSOBJ – Transporter planning books et Macros
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Good practices for a good CIF & Integration model behavior

RIMODGEN – To generate models

RIMODAC2 – To activate models

RCIFMTDE – To set As externally planned mat/loc that are taken out of the models, after material models


RIMODINI – To initialize materials as new

RAPOKZFX – Consistency check of the models

RIMODDEL – To delete old models

RCIFIMAX – 1 run to generate + one run to consistency check, at the end of the chain

RCIFVARIANTCHANGE – To update all the CIF variants



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Job & timezone

The only thing is to make sure you have the correct time zone during the scheduling of the job.

Both user and system settings need to be taken as a reference.

During the scheduling of a job or process chain, the time is always the system time zone.

But during the process chain analysis (log), the system displays in user time zone.

During the job (SM37), the system displays in System Settings time zone

So, you just have to check the system time zone and during the scheduling of a job of process chain do the settings with reference to the system time zone.