When loading data with LSMW, you can be stuck by incorrect date formating : Here is how to convert a field read in the file in DDMY (no matter what date separator the loading file provide) to SAP Date format YYYYMMDD : Add the following in the Mapping & Conversion Rules :
MAPL – Lien Gamme / Article – Material assignement to Routing
Transactional data
CAUFV – OF – Données générales
AUFK – Orders de process – Master data
AFKO – Ordres de process – Entête
AFPO – Ordres de process – postes
AFVC – Operations dans un ordre
JEST – Status des objets (AUFK-OBJNR = JEST-OBJID)
MDKP – Image du dernier MRP (utilisé pour MD07). Contient les couvertures 1, 2 et 3. A utiliser après avoir lancé un MRP.
Taken from : https://sap4tech.net/sap-production-order-tables/
SAP Production Order Tables and Join Between PO Tables (AUFK, AFVC, AFFL, AFRU…)
SAP Production Order Tables: find the most important SAP Tables used for Production Orders.
SAP PO Tables, in this article, will be classified by topics including: AFKO, AFVC, Status, Operation, Routines, Confirmations, missing Parts Tables, SAP CIM Order Tables.
As bonus, you will find some useful join condition to retrieve data of Production Order data for Standard SAP Tables.
SAP Production Order Tables
What’s Production Order in SAP
Production orders are a fundamental part of Production Planning and Control (PP).
PP is fully integrated in the Logistics (LO) component and has, among others, interfaces to
To retrieve Order Header from PP Production Order, join between
AUFK (Order header) and AFPO on field AUFNR
SAP PO Status tables
The main Production Order Status tables are:
JSTO Status profile
JEST Object status
TJ30 user status codes
TJ31 process control user status
How to find Status of SAP Production Order ?
In order to find SAP Production Order Status make a join between AUFK (Order header) & JEST (active Status) on OBJNR
Link between JEST and TJ31 is set on STSMAS and ESTAT.
Alternatively, you can use the SAP Standard BAPI to read Production Order status: call function ‘STATUS_READ’ exporting OBJNR = L_AUFNR ONLY_ACTIVE = ‘X’ tables STATUS = IT_JEST exceptions OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 1 others = 2.
SAP Production Order: Operation Table AFVC
The Production Order Operation can be found in the following Tables
AFVC Order operations
AFVV Quantities/dates/values in the operation
AFVU User fields of the operation
SAP Production Order: SAP Routing Tables
The Routing for Production Orders tables are:
AFFL Work order sequence
AFFH PRT assignment data for the work order (routing)
The link between AFKO (Order header) & AFVC (order routing) is set on field AUFPL
Sap production order confirmation table
SAP Order Confirmations are stored in
AFRU (confirmation)
To retrieve the confirmation of a SAP Production Order; join between AFVC (order routing) and AFRU (confirmation) on : AUFPL & APLZL & PLNFL & VORN
Sap production order Tcode and Transaction
Find the list of the most important SAP Tcodes for SAP Production Orders and Planned Order in SAP PP in the following Post SAP Production Orders Tcodes.
Production Order Tables in SAP PP
SAP PP Confirmations for SAP Production Orders Tables
The following list is the SAP Tables for Production Orders Confirmation in SAP PP
Goods movements with errors from confirmation
Table of planned changes to conf.: Automatic
Default values for collective confirmation
Header information for confirmation pool
Table of planned changes to conf.: Automatic
Table of planned changes for confirmation: A/B/Data