LSMW data manipulation

When loading data with LSMW, you can be stuck by incorrect date formating : Here is how to convert a field read in the file in DDMY (no matter what date separator the loading file provide) to SAP Date format YYYYMMDD : Add the following in the Mapping & Conversion Rules :


SAP PP tables & link between them


  • PLKO – Gammes – Entête
  • PLKZ – Gammes – Entête central
  • STKO – BOM nomenclature – Entête
  • STPO – BOM nomenclature – postes
  • MAST – Lien BOM / Articles
  • CHRD – Workcenter / Poste de travail
  • CRCO – Workcenter to Cost center (+ activities)
  • MKAL – Production version
  • MAPL – Lien Gamme / Article – Material assignement to Routing

Transactional data

  • CAUFV – OF – Données générales
  • AUFK – Orders de process – Master data
  • AFKO – Ordres de process – Entête
  • AFPO – Ordres de process – postes
  • AFVC – Operations dans un ordre
  • JEST – Status des objets (AUFK-OBJNR = JEST-OBJID)

MDKP – Image du dernier MRP (utilisé pour MD07). Contient les couvertures 1, 2 et 3. A utiliser après avoir lancé un MRP.

Taken from :

SAP Production Order Tables and Join Between PO Tables (AUFK, AFVC, AFFL, AFRU…)

SAP Production Order Tables: find the most important SAP Tables used for Production Orders.

SAP PO Tables, in this article, will be classified by topics including: AFKO, AFVC, Status, Operation, Routines, Confirmations, missing Parts Tables, SAP CIM Order Tables.

As bonus, you will find some useful join condition to retrieve data of Production Order data for Standard SAP Tables.

SAP Production Order Tables

What’s Production Order in SAP

Production orders are a fundamental part of Production Planning and Control (PP).

PP is fully integrated in the Logistics (LO) component and has, among others, interfaces to

  • Sales and Distribution (SD)
  • Materials Management (MM)
  • Controlling (CO)

Source: Production Orders (PP-SFC)

Main SAP Production Order Tables

The main Production order tables name in sap are

  • AUFK Production order headers
  • AFKO Order header data PP orders
  • AFPO Order item

Check also SAP Production Orders Tcodes and SAP Planning Order Transactions

Join Between AUFK and AFPO

To retrieve Order Header from PP Production Order, join between

AUFK (Order header) and AFPO on field AUFNR

SAP PO Status tables

The main Production Order Status tables are:

  • JSTO Status profile
  • JEST Object status
  • TJ30 user status codes
  • TJ31 process control user status

How to find Status of SAP Production Order ?

In order to find SAP Production Order Status make a join between
AUFK (Order header) & JEST (active Status) on OBJNR

Link between JEST and TJ31 is set on STSMAS and ESTAT.

Alternatively, you can use the SAP Standard BAPI to read Production Order status: call function ‘STATUS_READ’ exporting OBJNR = L_AUFNR ONLY_ACTIVE = ‘X’ tables STATUS = IT_JEST exceptions OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 1 others = 2.

SAP Production Order: Operation Table AFVC

The Production Order Operation can be found in the following Tables

  • AFVC Order operations
  • AFVV Quantities/dates/values in the operation
  • AFVU User fields of the operation

SAP Production Order: SAP Routing Tables

The Routing for Production Orders tables are:

  • AFFL Work order sequence
  • AFFH PRT assignment data for the work order (routing)

The link between AFKO (Order header) & AFVC (order routing) is set on field AUFPL

Sap production order confirmation table

SAP Order Confirmations are stored in

  • AFRU (confirmation)

To retrieve the confirmation of a SAP Production Order;
join between AFVC (order routing) and AFRU (confirmation) on : AUFPL & APLZL & PLNFL & VORN

Sap production order Tcode and Transaction

Find the list of the most important SAP Tcodes for SAP Production Orders and Planned Order in SAP PP in the following Post SAP Production Orders Tcodes.

Production Order Tables in SAP PP

SAP PP Confirmations for SAP Production Orders Tables

The following list is the SAP Tables for Production Orders Confirmation in SAP PP

AFFWGoods movements with errors from confirmation
AFRCTable of planned changes to conf.: Automatic
AFRDDefault values for collective confirmation
AFRHHeader information for confirmation pool
AFRP1Table of planned changes to conf.: Automatic
AFRP2/3/4Table of planned changes for confirmation: A/B/Data
AFRUOrder completion confirmations
AFWISubsequently posted goods movements for conf
TAFWDCORU: Messages that are not interpreted
TCORDTable for field-dependent check routines
TCORUParameters for order confirmations
TCORVTable with Routines for structuring variable
TCORWConfirmation: Window Control
TPARUControl paralleled confirmation processes
TPRRUControl table for process chain for confirmation
TPRRUTText table for process control of confirmation
TRUGSUser status caused by deviation

Source:Table name & field name for production order & operation confirmation

List of SAP PP Production Order Data Tables

The following list is the SAP Production Order Tables in SAP PP.

These SAP PO Tables stored all the PO Data:

AFBPCIM order: Batch print requests
AFFLWork order sequence
AFKOOrder header data PP orders
AFPOOrder item
AFVCOperation within an order
AFVUDB structure of the user fields of the opera
AFVVDB structure of the quantities/dates/values
FAPWIndex of production-/issuing plant for production
ORDCOMCommunication control Operation download

SAP Print PP Tables

SAP Print PP Tables handles the output of PP Documents.

T496PPrint PP documents: Determination of output
T496RPrint PP shop papers: Report control
T496TSAP Print PP shop papers: Transaction control
T496VPP Print: Default Value for Printing Online

SAP CIM Order Tables in PP

The following List contains Related SAP CIM Tables in PP.

T496BCIM order: Assigning document types to refer
T496DCIM: Destination/lists/spool parameters per
T496FCIM order: Form description of the list
T496KCIM order: Entity table of possible table id
T496NList descriptions for CIM order Table
T496ZCIM order: Table-controlled table access
TCO03CIM order: Texts for TCO01
TCO41Default values for generating operation in CIM order
TCO09CIM order: Text IDs of objects in orders

SAP Missing Parts Tables

Here another list of SAP PP Tables related to Production Order Process.

The main SAP Missing Parts Tables are:

TCOFProfile for missing parts info system
TCOFFProfile for Missing Parts Info System: Display
TCOFFTTexts for Missing Parts Info System: Display
TCOFGProfile for missing parts info system: Criteria
TCOFGTTexts for Missing Parts Info System: Criteria
TCOFKTexts for functions in milestones/trigger
TCOFSProfile for Missing Parts Info System: Sort
TCOFSTTexts for Missing Parts Info System: Sort
TCOFTTexts for Missing Parts Info System
TXPR1XPRA control : missing parts info system
TXPR1XPRA control : missing parts info system
FTINDMissing parts index

Text & Customizing Tables for Production Order

In the next part, you will find the list to related SAP PP Production Order Tables starting with T*.

In fact, this Tables’s List is more for customizing and Text Tables.

T024FProduction scheduler
T399XParameters dependent on order type
T441CProfile : availability check
T441CTTexts for Profile “Display Availability Check”
T490Transactions PP – orders – order category
T024FProduction scheduler
T024FProduction scheduler
T399XParameters dependent on order type
T441CProfileavailability check
T441CTTexts for Profile “Display Availability Check”
T490Transactions PP orders: order category
TC32Assigning subscreen to processing location
TC34Allocating operation to object type for the
TC62Sequence of detail screens when processing
TCO01Sequence/operations control in logistics
TCO04Table for controlling the screen sequence
TCO05CUA status depending on panel & trans. type
TCO06Exclusive functions for PP orders
TCO10Valuation variant for order costing
TCO11Control table for production orders – available
TCO12Control table production orders – stock
TCO36PP orders: Control table for calling up pop-
TCO43PP-SFC order profile
TCO43TDescription of production scheduler profile
TCO60Sequence keys for input facility and verification
TCO61Sequence key for PP orders
TCO62Defining screen sequences for input facility
TCO63Sequence of detail screens when maintaining
TCODBDatabase fields development class CO per order
TCOKOConstants for PP orders
TCOKTAccount assignment categories for order
TCOPField selection profile
TCOPSField selection profile
TCOPTDescription of Profile for Field Selection
TRUGReason for variances in completion confirmation
TRUGTText describing the reason for a variance in


About BAPI:

BAPIs enable access to SAP functions across formal, stable and dialog-free interfaces. These interfaces can be used by external applications developed by customers and complementary software partners as well as by other SAP applications. Defined as API methods of SAP Business Object Types, these object types are used within the Business Framework to enable object-based communication between components.

Business objects and their BAPIs enable object orientation to be used in central information processing in companies. For example, existing functions and data can be re-used, trouble-free technical interoperability can be achieved and non-SAP components can be implemented. Applications can use BAPIs to directly access the application layer of the R/3 System and, as clients; applications can use the business logic of the R/3 System. BAPIs provide the client with an object-oriented view of the application objects without needing to know the implementation details. BAPIs are always developed by defining scenarios which are used to map and implement system-wide business processes.



BAPI_ROUTING_CREATE                                                                     Creation of a routing

BAPI_ROUTING_EXISTENCE_CHECK                                                Check existence of object

Reference operation set:

BAPI_REFSETOFOPERATIONS_CREATE                                           Creation of a reference operation set

BAPI_REFSETOFOPR_EXISTENCE_CHK                                           Check existence of reference operation set

Planned order:

BAPI_PLANNEDORDER_CHANGE                                                       Change Planned Order        

BAPI_PLANNEDORDER_CREATE                                                        Create Planned Order

BAPI_PLANNEDORDER_DELETE                                                        Delete Planned Order

BAPI_PLANNEDORDER_EXIST_CHECK                                              Check Existence of Object

BAPI_PLANNEDORDER_GET_DETAIL                                                 Get Details for Planned Order

BAPI_PLANNEDORDER_GET_DET_LIST                                            Get Detailed List

Planned Independent Requirement:

BAPI_REQUIREMENTS_CHANGE                                                        Change Planned Independent Requirement

BAPI_REQUIREMENTS_CREATE                                                        Create Planned Independent Requirement                                     

BAPI_REQUIREMENTS_GETDETAIL                                                   Display detail of P.I.R

Production order:

BAPI_PRODORD_WM_MAT_STAGING                                               WM Material Staging

BAPI_PRODORD_SETUSERSTATUS                                                 Set User Status

BAPI_PRODORD_SET_DEL_INDICATOR                                          Set Deletion Indicator

BAPI_PRODORD_SET_DELETION_FLAG                                         Set Deletion Indicator

BAPI_PRODORD_SCHEDULE                                                            Carry Out Scheduling

BAPI_PRODORD_REVOKEUSERSTATUS                                        Cancel User Status

BAPI_PRODORD_RELEASE                                                               Release

BAPI_PRODORD_GET_LIST                                                               List of Order Headers

BAPI_PRODORD_GET_DETAIL                                                          Order Detail Data

BAPI_PRODORD_EXIST_CHECK                                                       Existence Check

BAPI_PRODORD_CREATE_FROM_REF                                           Create with Template

BAPI_PRODORD_CREATE_FROM_PLORD                                     Create with Planned Order

BAPI_PRODORD_CREATE_CAP_REQ                                             Generate Capacity Requirement

BAPI_PRODORD_CREATE                                                                 Create Production Order

BAPI_PRODORD_COSTING                                                               Create Cost Estimate

BAPI_PRODORD_COMPLETE_TECH                                               Complete Technically

BAPI_PRODORD_CLOSE                                                                  Close Order

BAPI_PRODORD_CHECK_MAT_AVAIL                                              Check Material Availability

BAPI_PRODORD_CHANGE                                                                Change Production Order

Production order confirmation:

BAPI_PRODORDCONF_GET_TT_PROP                                          Propose data for time ticket confirmation

BAPI_PRODORDCONF_GET_TE_PROP                                          Propose data for time event confirmation

BAPI_PRODORDCONF_GETLIST                                                      Confirmation lists

BAPI_PRODORDCONF_GETDETAIL                                                 Detailed data for production order confirmation

BAPI_PRODORDCONF_GET_HDR_PROP                                       Propose data for order confirmation

BAPI_PRODORDCONF_EXIST_CHK                                                 Check existence of object

BAPI_PRODORDCONF_CREATE_TT                                                Enter time ticket confirmation

BAPI_PRODORDCONF_CREATE_TE                                                Enter time ticket confirmation

BAPI_PRODORDCONF_PDC_UPLOAD_TT                                      Transfer time ticket confirmations from PDC system

BAPI_PRODORDCONF_PDC_UPLOAD_TE                                     Transfer time ticket confirmations from PDC system

BAPI_PRODORDCONF_CREATE_HDR                                            Enter order confirmations

BAPI_PRODORDCONF_CREATE_ACT                                             Enter activity confirmation

BAPI_PRODORDCONF_CANCEL                                                      Cancel production order confirmation

BDC Download & Upload for production order:

BAPI_RCVPRORDCF_RECEIVEPRODORD                                   PP-PDC: Download production orders

BAPI_RCVPRORDCF_RECEIVEWORKC                                        PP-PDC: Download work centers

BAPI_RCVPRODCF_REQUEST_CONF                                           PP-PDC: Upload request


BAPI_KANBAN_CHANGE                                                                   Change Kanban Data

BAPI_KANBAN_CHANGESTATUS                                                     Change status of a kanban

BAPI_KANBAN_CHANGESTATUS1                                                   Change status of a kanban

BAPI_KANBAN_GETLIST                                                                   Determination of Kanbans Matching Selection Criteria

BAPI_KANBAN_GETLIST_ALL                                                           Determination of Kanbans Matching Selection Criteria

BAPI_KANBAN_GETLISTFORSUPPLIE1                                         Determination of Kanbans Matching Selection Criteria

BAPI_KANBAN_GETLISTFORSUPPLIER                                         Provide Kanban data for vendors

BAPI_KANBAN_SETINPROCESS                                                     Provide Kanban data for vendors


BAPI_KANBANCC_ADDEVENTDRKANBAN                                     Create Event-Driven KANBAN for Control Cycle    

BAPI_KANBANCC_CHANGE                                                            Change Control Cycle

BAPI_KANBANCC_CREATE                                                             Create Control Cycle

BAPI_KANBANCC_DELETE                                                             Delete Control Cycles

BAPI_KANBANCC_EXISTCHECK                                                    Check Existence of Control Cycle

BAPI_KANBANCC_GETLIST                                                             Determine Kanban Control Cycles with Selection Criteria

BAPI_KANBANCC_GETLIST_ALL                                                     Determine Kanban Control Cycles with Selection Criteria

BAPI_KANBANCC_WITHDRAWQUANTITY                                     Quantity Signal for Kanban Control Cycle

REM Confirmation:

BAPI_REPMANCONF_CANCEL                                                       Reverse REM Backflush

BAPI_REPMANCONF_CREATE_MTO                                             Execute Backflush in Sales Order Scenario

BAPI_REPMANCONF_CREATE_PLOT                                           Execute Backflush in Production Lot Scenario

BAPI_REPMANCONF_CREATE_MTS                                             Execute Backflush in Production Lot Scenario    

BAPI_REPMANCONF_EXIST_CHK                                                 Check Existence of Object

REM Confirmation1:

BAPI_REPMANCONF1_CANCEL                                                    Reverse REM Backflush

BAPI_REPMANCONF1_CREATE_MTO                                          Execute Backflush in Sales Order Scenario

BAPI_REPMANCONF1_CREATE_MTP                                          Execute Backflush in Production Lot Scenario

BAPI_REPMANCONF1_CREATE_MTS                                          Execute Backflush in Stock Scenario

BAPI_REPMANCONF1_EXIST_CHK                                              Check Existence of Object

Process order PI:

BAPI_PROCORD_WM_MAT_STAGING                                        WM Material Staging

BAPI_PROCORD_SETUSERSTATUS                                          Set User Status

BAPI_PROCORD_SET_DEL_INDICATOR                                   Set Deletion Indicator

BAPI_PROCORD_SET_DELETION_FLAG                                  Set Deletion Indicator

BAPI_PROCORD_SCHEDULE                                                     Carry Out Scheduling

BAPI_PROCORD_REVOKEUSERSTATUS                                 Cancel User Status

BAPI_PROCORD_RELEASE                                                        Release

BAPI_PROCORD_GET_LIST                                                        List of Order Headers

BAPI_PROCORD_GET_DETAIL                                                   List of Order Headers

BAPI_PROCORD_EXIST_CHECK                                               Existence Check

BAPI_PROCORD_CREATE_FROM_REF                                   Create with Template

BAPI_PROCORD_CREATE_FROM_PLORD                              Create with Planned Order

BAPI_PROCORD_CREATE_CAP_REQ                                     Generate Capacity Requirement

BAPI_PROCORD_CREATE                                                         Create Process Order

BAPI_PROCORD_COSTING                                                        Create Cost Estimate  

BAPI_PROCORD_COMPLETE_TECH                                        Complete Technically

BAPI_PROCORD_CLOSE                                                           Close Order

BAPI_PROCORD_CHECK_MAT_AVAIL                                       Check Material Availability

BAPI_PROCORD_CHANGE                                                         Change Process Order

Process Order Confirmation:

BAPI_PROCORDCONF_CANCEL                                          Cancel Process Order Confirmation

BAPI_PROCORDCONF_CREATE_ACT                                 Enter Activity Confirmation

BAPI_PROCORDCONF_CREATE_HDR                                Enter Order Confirmations

BAPI_PROCORDCONF_CREATE_TE                                   Enter Confirmation Time Events

BAPI_PROCORDCONF_CREATE_TT                                   Enter Time Ticket Confirmation

BAPI_PROCORDCONF_EXIST_CHK                                    Check Existence of Object

BAPI_PROCORDCONF_GET_HDR_PROP                          Propose Data for Order Confirmation

BAPI_PROCORDCONF_GETDETAIL                                    Detail Data for Process Order Confirmation

BAPI_PROCORDCONF_GETLIST                                         List of Confirmations for Process Orders

BAPI_PROCORDCONF_GET_TE_PROP                             Propose Data for Time Event Confirmation

BAPI_PROCORDCONF_GET_TT_PROP                             Propose Data for Time Ticket Confirmation

Process Characteristic PI:

BAPI_PROC_CHAR_GET_HELPVALUES                             Get Allowed Values for Process Characteristic

BAPI_PROC_CHAR_GET_LIST                                             Read Characteristic List Incl. Details

Process Message PI:

BAPI_PROCESS_MESSAGE_CREATEMLT                          Create process messages

BAPI_PROCESS_MESSAGE_CHK_EXIST                           Check process message existence

Control Recipe:

BAPI_CONTROL_RECIPE_GET_LIST                                   Read control recipe list

BAPI_CONTROL_RECIPE_REQUEST                                               Request and transfer control recipes


WB – Starting stock

PA – Planned order

BR – Process order

PP – Independant Requirements

VC – Customer order

VJ – Outbound Delivery

LA – Inbound Delivery

LE – Schedule line

UR – Inbound Transfer reservations

MR – Material Reservation (Outbound)

U1 – Outgoing STO

U2 – Outgoing STR

SB – Dependant Requirements

AR – Order reservation

BB – Subcontracting Requirements

BA – Purchase Requisitions

BE – Purchase Order

Frequent Issues on MD04


Frequent issues on MD04

The most used transaction in PP-MRP is the stock/requirements list.

Issues from many different application areas are reflected in transaction MD04, since this transactio reads data from many different tables.

On this document you will find the most frequent issues observed on transaction MD04.

1 – An MRP element is displayed on transaction MD04, however, it does not affect the available quantity, that means, it is not MRP relevant.

This issue can happen for many different planning elements, from sales orders to dependent requirements and there are many different causes for this issue.

On the following note you will find a detailed explanation for the possible causes for each different planning element:

1825187 – MD04/MD05: Incorrect quantity for an MRP element

2 – Database inconsistencies

A planning element that is already completed is still displayed on MD04 or a planning element is incorrectly displayed on MD04. It generally happens for sales orders or for subcontracting requirements but it can also happen for another planning elements, such as dependent requirements. The following WIKI describes each inconsistency and how to correct it:

3 – Exception messages

There are usually several questions related to exception messages, for example, why an exception message appears on MD05 but not on MD04. The answer to this and another questions can be found on the following note:

550441      FAQ: Exception messages in material requirements planning

From all the exception messages, those related to the rescheduling check are the most frequent cause of issues. There is a lot of documentation about rescheduling and the following WIKIs and notes should be useful:

550302      FAQ: Rescheduling check

1745312   MRP creates redundant proposals though there are fixed future receipts which can cover the requirements.

4 – Why a planning element is displayed on MD04?

The following WIKI explains how to analyze MD04 in debug and find out where a planning element is comming from and why it is displayed on MD04:

5 – Issues related to sales orders:

See the following document:

MD04: Problems with sales orders

 Tags: md04mrp_listsap_erp_logistics_materials_managementmaterial_planningppmrpsap_erp_manufacturing_production_planningerpproductionorderplannedproduction_schedulingplanned_ordersproduction_orderplanningstock_requirements_listenterprise_resource_planningmaterial_managementmd05

Publié dans PP

Pull List and Stock Determination in Production

Pull List and Stock Determination in Production – MF60

1. Pull List

The pull list controls the in-house flow of material for supplying production with materials. The system assumes that the components required for production have already been produced in-house or procured externally and are now available to be transferred from their current storage location or bin to the production storage location.

The pull list checks the stock situation at the production storage location and calculates the quantities of missing parts. Replenishment elements can be created for these missing parts.

2. Master Data

Here we are going to review the key master data needed to use the Pull List.

2.1. Production Storage Location

Issue location for production order
Number of the issue location from which the material is issued during the production process. Backflush is posted to this issue location if required.

In production, this is the access sequence in which the determination of the production storage location occurs:

  1. First, the issue storage location of the material to be issued (MARC-LGPRO) is transferred to the material master from the MRP data if it is
  2. The system overwrites this value with the issue storage location from the bill of material (RC29P-LGORT, STPO-LGORT) if it is filled.
  3. If the operation to which the component is assigned in production order contains a work center with supply area, the storage location is transferred
    from this supply area (PVBE-LGORT). However, this transfer is only carried out if storage location data (MARD) is maintained for this storage location for the material.

Ref.: OSS Note: 137225 – Prod. order: Issuing storage location for component

Depending on if your component is used in more than one production storage location, you could asisgn this in the material master or in the BOM or through a Supply Area. Let’s supose in this example that we assign this at BOM item level.

This is maintained using t-code CS02. The production storage location is assigned at item level. Once you are in the BOM, click twice on each BOM item and go to Status/Lng Text tab:

PLIST 1.jpg

2.2. Stock determination

The pull list controls the in-house flow of material for supplying production with materials. The system assumes that the components required for production have already been produced in-house or procured externally and are now available to be transferred from their current storage location or bin to the production storage location.

This automatic transfer between the current storage location to the production storage location is performed based on the stock determination strategy.

Strategies for Stock Determination
You make all the settings you require for a stock determination strategy.

You determine a strategy at plant level using the stock determination group and the stock determination rule (The terms ‘rule’ and ‘group’ correspond to the checking group and the checking rule logic in the availability check).

The customizing point for the Strategies for Stock Determination is:

SPRO –> Materials Management –> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory –> Stock Determination –> Define Strategies for Stock Determination

PLIST 2.jpg

The stock determination group is assigned to the material in the material master record.

PLIST 3.jpg

3. Pull List Execution

Suppose your business is running the following process:

  • Create and Schedule process orders: the planner creates the process orders and the production scheduler schedules all the process orders.
  • Material staging: warehouse responsible will receive the list of process orders and will move components to the shop floor based on: which is the material that will be produced and which is the production line capacity.
  • Production execution: production responsible executes the production of the corresponding process order.
  • Goods receipt & confirmation: finished good production quantity is received and the confirmation is done. At this moment components are consumed from the production storage location using Backflush.

3.1. Create and Schedule process orders

Let’s create a process order and ensure the Production Storage Location is determined as expected.

PLIST 4.jpg

Take a look of the component list. All the components have an assigned production storage location:

PLIST 5.jpg

3.2. Material staging (MF60: Pull List)

The warehouse responsible will move components to the shop floor (production storage location). This can be done based on process order number or entering the material and quantity to be produced (this is commonly used when the order takes several days and we only want to supply components on a daily basis for the corresponding production of the day)

In this example suppose that the first process order is: 304472 and its duration is 5 days. The corresponding finished good is: 403403 (production version: 0001) and the production line maximum capacity is 5000CS/day.

Material Staging is executed thru transaction: MF60.

PLIST 6.jpg

PLIST 7.jpg

The pull list checks the stock situation at the production storage location and calculates the quantities of missing parts. Replenishment elements can be created for these missing parts (this is the section at the bottom of the screen).

Let’s see what is each column:

  • Issue stor. location = production storage location. This was entered in the bill of material.
  • NetReqQty = component quantity based on maximum production line capacity. In case the Pull list is executed agains an order, here you will see the quantity of the component determined in the order.
  • Available stock = this is the available stock in the issue storage location (production storage location). This can be the available remaining quantity of the before production day or shift or order.
  • Quantity staged = NetReqQty – Avail.Stock = This is the remaining quantity to be moved to the shop floor (production storage location).
  • RepLoc = is the warehouse storage location. It is the location found by the stock determination strategy.

Finally.. you press Save and the components will be moved from the main warehouse to the production storage location

PLIST 7.jpg

4. Pull List Global Settings

If necessary, limit your selection using the Global settings . Here, you have the choice between:

PLIST 1.jpg

  • General settings

For example, you may choose to display components with missing quantities only in the pull list or, using the indicator Take all requirements into account , you may define that the system is to include the requirements of all orders that influence the missing parts situation. If this field is not selected, the system only includes requirements for the specific order that you entered in the missing parts calculation. Here, you can also define whether your components are staged at storage location level via direct stock transfer, or using stock transfer reservation.

PLIST 8.jpg

  • Settings for dialog control
    Here, you define which procedures are to be carried out automatically in the pull list and which are to be carried out in dialog mode.

You also define whether the system is to save a complete log of all the messages and whether this log is to be displayed automatically.

PLIST 9.jpg

  • Printing settings

Here, you make the settings for the print list.

PLIST 91.jpg


Pull List – Repetitive Manufacturing (PP-REM) – SAP Library

Accessing the Pull List – Repetitive Manufacturing (PP-REM) – SAP Library

OSS Note: 137225 – Prod. order: Issuing storage location for component